
We understand you like to use different media players and devices to listen to our shows. We offer a number of different ways to ensure you’re able to enjoy our radio programs online.

MP3 Audio

Mp3 audio has been around for a very long time and is universally playable on any device (Windows PC’s, Macs, Wi-Fi Media Players and even on some Televisions with built-in media player capabilities). If you want to listen using any of these methods mentioned, either click on your preferred player or manually enter the link into your media player or device.



Stream Link: http://play.2smsupernetwork.com

AAC Audio

AAC audio is a newer audio format which offers superior sound at lower bitrates. AAC audio is fast replacing mp3 audio tho some devices and software players still won’t play AAC audio. Below we’ve supplied links for software audio players that we know will work with AAC.

Stream Link: http://s2.viastreaming.net/7100/listen.asx

Stream Link: http://s2.viastreaming.net/7100/listen.m3u

Stream Link: http://s2.viastreaming.net:7100/listen.pls

Stream Link: http://s2.viastreaming.net/7100/listen.ram

If you’re attempting to listen to us at your workplace and cannot connect, chances are the IT department has blocked streaming media. You can try using this link but you need to use either the Winamp or VLC software media players http://s2.viastreaming.net/cgi-bin/listen.pls?7100